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Old Sun Mar 15, 2020, 01:30pm
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by chapmaja View Post
That was more than a bit absurd. I don't understand the idea of shutting down events already going on like a basketball game during the game.
There's a certain sense to it: that the less time the competitors spend in proximity to each other, the better.

The NCAA shut down the DII swimming and diving championships between the prelims and finals on Day 2 of 4. I have heard rumors that they were in the middle of the consolation finals of diving when the divers were pulled off the boards and told the event was cancelled, although that is unconfirmed.
That one's ridiculous. Swimming and diving, the competitors don't even get close to each other, nor are they manipulating an object like a basketball. And even if they picked up something on their hands, swimming is continuously washing them.

I could see clearing out the audience, though. Still, the high humidity inside a pool room is not conducive to airborne virus transmission.
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