in Michigan they have "postponed" all winter championships which have not been completed (gymnastics, boys swimming, basketball, and ice hockey).
Additionally, all K-12 schools have been ordered closed by the governor and as a result the MHSAA has ordered that no practices or team events of any kind may be held during this time period. Additionally, the officials were informed that no officials association meetings/clinics are to be held over this time frame.
The closure will extend until at least the end of the day April 5th. Given that most sports have 1 minimum one week practice requirement before competition, I don't see any events being held until at least the second week of April. I have already had one school tell me they will not compete until at least April 20th, because they are on Spring Break from the 6th to the 13th, and they are requiring a week practice period before any contests.
I know personally I have already lost well over $1,000 in income from cancellations of events scheduled the next few weeks.