Fri Sep 19, 2003, 12:31pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Oakland, CA
Posts: 109
[QUOTE] Originally posted by Back In The Saddle
Originally posted by Luv4Asian8
Haha, fair enough. It's a SN I had since jr. high with AOL chat rooms, etc. y'know how us kids were during that self-expression period. Now, I just dont think i can remember too many passwords or SNs. i sometimes uses WaNNaBeRaCeR, as you can tell, when i started driving. Now, prolly too old (no not really) to make up names...haha! (^_~)
You wouldn't have combined a period of "substance exploration" with your period of self-expression, would you? 
Welcome to the forum and to reffing. You'll find this is a great place to learn and improve.
haha no no...nuttin like that...thanks, i have already learned a ton of things here so far, and hope to learn a ton of things more!