Originally posted by whistleone
Where did you begin your officiating career? (youth league, city league, college intramurals, etc.)
I started in college with intramurals. I enjoyed the experience and the check but did not have any training so I took a lot of abuse.
Why did you start officiating? (money, get away from spouse/kids, health, love of the sport, etc.)
When I got serious about it (doing softball in 1986), it started out for the money, but then I realized that I enjoyed being out on the field and then getting better became more important than the money.
Have there been situations that made you think about quitting? If so, what were they?
I do not let association politics spoil my passion to officiate, so I have never thought of quitting. In fact I added sports to officiate the last few years. I added football about 3 years ago and I added baseball this year for the challenge.