This Clarification 1 is accurate if the action ends there. But it does not end there. For some unexplainable reason, they don't continue the logical progression in the clarification to where F1 steps on, pauses, and takes the signal (which makes everything LEGAL!!!).
If anyone here belongs to SUP on Arbiter (which I do not yet), there is a clarification, I believe from Vickie, that came in 9/23/19 that clears up this whole mess.
I was able to find it via Google that day, but not since.
It spells out the entire process. This is my paraphrase:
Pitcher possesses ball in back of circle. Looks at armband. Steps on pitcher's plate. Takes or simulates taking signal from catcher or dugout. Looks at armband. Brings hands together. Proceeds to pitch.
Ruling. This is a legal pitch.
Can someone who is registered with SUP please check postings from around that date and verify what I found that day?
Thanks very much.
Last edited by jmkupka; Tue Oct 29, 2019 at 10:25am.