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Old Sat Oct 12, 2019, 10:07am
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Count The Basket ...

Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
And that is why it was a dumb POE on many levels.
From last year's Point of Emphasis:

In an era of round-the-clock commentators using today’s latest lingo to describe game situations to entertain, officials cannot be caught up in that shift to less than professional terminology … The use of proper terminology is one of many steps to ensure that the perception of game officials and the reality of their actions, remains on a higher plane and a critical part of the game.

While I agree with the intent and purpose of this Point of Emphasis, it was the list of terms that many of us, including me, quibble with.

I didn't like most of the example terms on the list from day one, too nit-picky.

Television commentators may be able get away with confusing basket interference and goaltending, experienced officials can't, or shouldn't (I realize that basket interference and goaltending were not on the list, it's just one example of a gross vocabulary confusion).

Sure, many of the terms are a little nit-picky. Nobody has ever criticized me for stating, "Count the basket", and I hope that they never do because I'm not removing that from my vocabulary.

And I would never criticize an official who states, "Count the hoop".

In terms of vocabulary, officials must be on "higher plane" than players, coaches, fans, and television commentators. We're not their equals. Never were, never are. We're the professionals. We're whatcha call experts, and we should talk like experts whenever it's appropriate to do so.

Certainly not the entire list, but maybe a small portion of the list is worth thinking about.

And if not the list, certainly the intent and purpose of this Point of Emphasis is worth thinking about.

There certainly should be a difference between the vocabulary that officials use orally in conversation (especially amongst ourselves), and the vocabulary that we use in written form. I believe that we should be more careful using vocabulary in written form, which often will be distributed to many stakeholders.

I'm not going to criticize any current official who uses the term midcourt (I may simply mention it to a rookie official), but I found it quite humorous that the NFHS told us last year not to use the antiquated term midcourt, and then they went ahead and used the term this year.

Which is why I called them (NFHS) out on it.

Silly monkeys.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Mon Oct 14, 2019 at 08:08am.
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