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Old Thu Oct 10, 2019, 09:22am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
(Tony Orlando and Dawn, 1973)

SITUATION 2: A1 is wearing a ribbon to control her hair. RULING: Illegal. Ribbons are considered decorations and the athlete should not be allowed to enter the contest while wearing a ribbon in the hair. (3-5-4e)

3-5-D: Rubber, cloth or elastic bands may be used to control hair.

I've been screwing this up for forty years. Ribbons are made of cloth. Cloth is a legal material for hair control devices. How does one use a cloth ribbon to control hair? By tying it in a knot.

I've always allowed cloth ribbons tied in a simple knot, or simple bow (as used to tie one's shoes) to be used to control hair.

I guess that I was wrong. Not the first time, won't be the last time.

I'll be sure to rule this situation correctly for the next forty years.
You are mis-reading the rule.

It's NOT:
the following may be used:
a. rubber
b. cloth
c. elastic bands

It's "a band made of rubber or cloth or elastic may be used ...", or "A rubber band, a cloth band or an elastic band may be used ..."
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