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Old Thu Sep 19, 2019, 10:45am
Tru_in_Blu Tru_in_Blu is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Fremont, NH
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If you dread getting assignments, then it sounds like the bloom is off the rose for you. Maybe some time away from the game will give you a chance to refresh a bit and then see if you're missing it after being away from it.

While I don't think I'm burnt out, there are clearly some games that are tougher to do than others. We work a couple of leagues that we're very familiar with. When top level teams play bottom level teams, those are games that I personally have the hardest time "getting up for". In most cases they end up as mercy games that are nowhere near competitive. I've suggested to the leagues that they consider breaking into divisions with the most competitive in one and lower level teams in another. Perhaps some day they'll try it.

I'm exclusively a softball official. I work 2 sanctions. I'll probably retire in the next X years as I'm now 69. I know officials older than me, and in most cases, I don't think they're providing a legitimate service to the games, leagues, tournaments they work. But a softball umpire is becoming a rare species and UICs and Directors plug holes with whatever warm bodies they can find.

So in general, I still enjoy the opportunity to get my butt of the couch and onto a softball field, mercy games aside. I've not reached the point where I dread having to go do a game (although cold, windy, rainy days are a real challenge).

Take a break. Recharge the batteries. See if your mindset changes after a while. Good luck!
USA & NFHS Softball
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