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Old Fri Sep 13, 2019, 03:33pm
teebob21 teebob21 is offline
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NCAA Pitching Rule Change Guidance - Released today

Taking the signal:

If the pitcher takes a signal (looks at her arm band for a pitch signal) and she is not on the pitcher's plate, this is a violation of the taking the signal rule. The mechanic is: delayed dead ball signal - then if no further action occurs - dead ball signal and than verbalize..."That's a violation" - award a ball on batter and give new count - signal play ball. The coach may give a signal verbally or non-verbally to the pitcher and/or catcher before the pitcher takes her position on the plate without violation, provided that the pitcher then takes the signal (i.e. looks at her arm band or clearly looks to the catcher for the pitch selection) while she is in the required pitching position.

This is new as of less than 12 hours ago. I'm not sure there is rule support for an IP violation of this kind before F1 steps onto the pitching plate. But I'm not an interpreter... Thoughts from the crowd?

(Thoughts of "Glad I don't do NCAA because their rules are bullshit" not welcome. You know who you are. )
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