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Old Sun Aug 25, 2019, 03:31pm
HLin NC HLin NC is offline
Chain of Fools
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 1,648
My Week 1 takes:

1) a) ball boys did not follow me along the field - no change from 2018+
b) ball boys were slow on occasion to get me a new ball - no change from
c) ball boys once threw two balls in when I called for a new ball - no change
from 2018+

2) PCO apparently misunderstood R in pre-game when he was told that the
play clock would start on a 1st down after U checked the box and backed
away from the ball. Otherwise he was to go with the DBS, incomplete, or
TO signal of the covering official. He seemed to go off the U every play.
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