Originally Posted by bisonlj
It was extremely thought out. Indiana tried to do an experiment 4 years ago but didn't go through the proper channels so we had to wait a year. In the past 3 years I believe at least 3 or 4 states have experimented with it.Your issues all seem to be very local and things that should have been addressed regardless of the 40 second play clock. Bad ball boys. One ball per team the entire game. Sounds like a problem that definitely needs a solution and the rule indirectly solves it (not the intent but definitely a benefit). If your state doesn't recognize that and do something about those issues that is a problem with your state and not the NFHS rule.
Actually, "Time will tell, how well thought out these changes were", but they are what they are, and we need to adjust to them, as best we can. Much like Real Estate, 99.9% of the "Interscholastic Level" of football, is "Local", and it will likely be quicker/longer for individual areas to fully adapt.
Where "every week will be an adventure" it's likely the skill, common sense, and sound judgment of Field Officials will provide the glue that holds things together, as it has done (reasonably well) for the last 100, or so, seasons.
There may very well likely be additional "tweaks", "recommendations" and possible adjustments, but like water, different skill levels of football eventually adjust to seek their "proper level", as happily yet another season unfolds.