Been having a long-term debate with other umpires about the NFHS rule regarding physical assistance of a base runner. Two rules in the book address this:
Rule: 3-5-4
ART. 4 . . . A coach shall not physically assist a runner during playing action.
PENALTY: (Art. 4) The runner is out and the ball is in play. (8-6-5)
Rule: 8-6-5
A runner is out when:
ART. 5 . . . Any offensive team member, other than another runner, physically assists the runner.
PENALTY: (Arts. 1 through 5) The ball is in play and the runner is out.
Because both rules specify that the ball is still in play, some umpires felt that the violation may occur only when the ball is live. They didn't believe a coach or other team member who physically assists a runner when the ball was dead (e.g., BR hits a home run, misses first base as she's rounding the bases, and the first base coach chases her down, grabs her and send her back to touch first) was a violation.
I asked our state interpreter for his take, and he said that an out is ruled when a runner is physically assisted at any time, whether the ball is live or dead. It would be nice if there's language in the rule book or casebook that says this.