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Old Fri Jun 14, 2019, 12:42pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Basketball Points of Emphasis - 2019-20

Basketball Points of Emphasis - 2019-20

1. Head Band and Hair Control Devices: These items are often thought to be interchangeable. They are not. Each item has different guidelines to be followed as outlined in the rules book. Coaches and players need to be aware of the differences between the two items, so players are not found in violation of the rules.
A headband is defined as any item that goes around the entire head, it must be circular in design without extensions. The headband must unadorned, nonabrasive and be no wider than 3 inches. Headbands have color restrictions. 3-5-4a, b
A hair control device is defined as an item that goes around the hair such as rubber, cloth, or elastic bands. Hair control devices have no color restrictions. 3-5-4dSMAC

2. Medical Bracelet: It is the coach's role to know what the rules allowances and restrictions are, and insure the players are properly informed. The head coach, by rules, must not permit a team member to participate while wearing an illegal uniform, illegal equipment, illegal apparel, etc. It is, therefore, incumbent on the coach to be sure the rules and restrictions have been reviewed by the team, including, and especially, allowable accessories.
Yes, it is also the officials' role to monitor the players, the uniforms and accessories. However, the head coach must be very much involved. The officials should not be placed in a position where they are often viewed as "being picky/searching for" illegal uniform and apparel items.
By rule, the medical alert medal or bracelet must be taped to the person securely while the medical information is visible. Regardless of the type of material the medical alert bracelet is of, it must be taped to the arm securely with the medical information visible. 3-5-7

3. Throw-in Violations: The throw-in and the throw-in count begin when the ball is at the disposal of a player of the team entitled to it.
The throw-in ends when:
a. The passed ball touches or is touched by another player in-bounds.
b. The passed ball touches or is touched by another player out-of-bounds. except as in 7-5-7.
c. The throw-in team commits a violation.
The designated throw-in spot is 3 feet wide with no depth limitation and is established and signaled by the official prior to putting the ball at the thrower's disposal. Pivot foot restrictions are not in affect for a designated throw-in. The thrower must keep one foot on or over the designated spot until the ball is released.
Violation - To leave the designated throw-in spot prior to releasing the ball
Violation - To not pass the ball directly into the court so it touches or is touched by another player (in-bounds or out-of-bounds) on the court before going out of bounds untouched.
Violation - To pass the ball so it goes directly out of bounds prior to touching another player.
Violation - To not release the ball on a pass directly into the court before five seconds have elapsed.
After ruling and signaling a violation, team-control foul, player-control foul held ball or time-out, it is vital that the ruling official, at the site of the ruling, indicate the designated throw-in spot (see Manual page 65, diagram 5-6).

4. Pre-Game Meeting with Administrator on Supervision and Crowd Control: It is a necessity to have game an administration representative to meet with the official crew. This meeting will allow for communicating the expectations of each group. The contest officials are there to manage the contest which includes the players and coaches. It is the expectation that school administration will manage the student body, parents and all other spectators.
Game administration is responsible to be proactive in crowd supervision and control. Administration should address inappropriate spectator behavior before it escalates.
Spectator behavior remains a critical concern. Too often, spectators are using abusive language toward coaches, players and officials. Spectators are also approaching the court, team areas and locker rooms - places that used to be "off limits" - to confront participants.
Game administrators must create and follow security procedures and support efforts to have offending spectators removed from the premises. Proactive policies lead to fewer problems. It is the game administrator's ultimate responsibility to provide a safe environment for coaches, players and officials. Do not wait for the official to point out the problem.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

“I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:36)

Last edited by BillyMac; Fri Jun 14, 2019 at 02:09pm.
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