Thread: Calling a ball
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Old Wed Jun 05, 2019, 07:53am
robbie robbie is offline
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Originally Posted by Mrumpiresir View Post
I was taught never to give the location when I first started umpiring in the early 90s. It has been common to call "inside " or "outside" now, at least in the associations I am have been in. I'm told it keeps coaches from constantly asking "Where was that?" It works for me.
Had a high school AP teacher that would announce our quarterly grades out loud to the class.
He would say "The following students earned a B. Adam, Boob, Carl, etc"
The premise is if your name was not called, you should know if you got an A or a C.

If I call a ball, its because my judgement was that it was off the plate (or high or low.) 95% of the times the question in rhetorical. There is never a question as to a pitch being in or out nor being high or low.
Perhaps occasionally, a coach feels he is getting squeezed on a corner (low and in, low and out, up and in, up and out.) If so, and asked professionally I will offer a discrete hand direction for the coach / catcher to see to clarify.

I never announce location on the call.

Even consider this - Pitch low and inside. Verbal call of "ball low." Are you implying that the pitch caught the plate?
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