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Old Wed Jun 05, 2019, 12:00am
teebob21 teebob21 is offline
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Originally Posted by jmkupka View Post

Thanks all for the clarification. The final answer to my OP is, "because it's the rule."

It seems to me, the point of killing it at the time the OBS runner is put out, is to let the dust settle and let the viewers know the result, while still potentially depriving the offense because of an infraction on the defense's part.

All the other DDB plays let the offense get as much as they can, and wait until play has stopped, before ruling.

Is the OBS rule the way it is because it's unfair to make the DEF mistakenly think they have an out (maybe a 3rd out) while allowing runners to keep going?
Sometimes INT deprives the defense of a double play (sitch: R1 is hit by a batted ball to F4 while running to 2B). In this case, we get an out and the BR gets 1B. "That's just the rule."
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