Originally Posted by Rich
Nothing. Nothing at all.
Nothing wrong with coaches coaching and teachers teaching. The idea behind rule changes, like policy changes or changes pedagogical practices in regards to impact on game coaching/teaching is a) to not allow practitioners or practices to become outdated b) to best serve the students and make learning more appropriate and authentic. c)prioritize student experience
Changing role of coach/teacher does not inherently diminish it. Simply changes where effort and energy is put. If technology can deliver content than teachers can spend more time and energy working with individuals, remediating and enriching. If coaches don't have to spend time controlling/limiting possessions then they can spend that time and energy on making their players better at performing in the possessions they have. Time on players/technique teaching vs time on tactic design and execution.
Imagine going to school to visit your son’s math teacher. The teacher informs you that your son does a very good job with addition, but does not handle subtraction very well. As a result the teacher has decided that your son will not do any more subtraction for the rest of the year. He will just focus on the things he does well. His poor scores on subtraction are hurting the class average. The teacher also informs you that since he will not be doing subtraction it will make no sense to introduce multiplication and division. So you need to resign yourself to the fact that your son will only be able to do addition.
How would you respond as a parent? What would you think about this teacher’s ability to teach math?
Take the same situation to the basketball court. The coach informs you that your son is not going to be allowed to shoot the ball. His poor shooting percentage is hurting the team’s average. He will only be allowed to play defence. The coach will not be introducing any advanced skills with the ball because your son will always be a role player. The team is going to run plays that highlight only those players who can shoot.
Asking a coach to develop players to make decisions and play makers vs teaching kids to run plays and hold the ball is different not diminishing. Some would argue it increases the coaches role value because they have to be able to develop kids not just move kids who can play around. Teaching kids to play and make decisions and then letting them play at game time. Don't see a lot of teachers calling timeout in the middle of the test and scripting the next 3 question answers for everyone or saying everyone just copy Jimmy's answers we'll get better test scores.