And all of that means absolutely nothing. Who cares what the learning is centered? Sorry, but that has nothing to do with what rule is used or not used in a game that is played at the high school level. Just worked a few weeks of travel/AAU games with a shot clock and coaches still ran the damn games the way they saw fit. It changed nothing but made them shoot sooner in an possession which half the time you did not notice anyway. This entire idea that somehow the game is so much better is silly. I can be that there are many around the country that do not see some of the ball that I see and there is no need for a shot clock in those games now. And that has nothing to do with other college rules like the RA or when bonus resets. These are just things that people assume are going to help the game in their minds. That is why the NCAA is not taking on many rules people think they would because the Men's side actually makes money, not lose it so these changes affect other elements of the marketing of the game. And having used the shot clock this weekend with a lot of high school only officials, it was not done smoothly either. At least when you add elements of shot clock resets or what stops the clock like a foul in the backcourt verse the frontcourt.
Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)