Thread: Mechanics Creep
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Old Fri May 03, 2019, 03:53pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Teach It To Our Young'uns ...

Originally Posted by Raymond View Post
The person who got me involved in officiating was a college official, and additionally he was a military man like myself. Common Sense communications is what he taught me. I didn't care or seek out whether or not it was approved by others There were some who made comments about it, including one of my first mentors who is now a D1/D2 women's supervisor of officials. I have found that NCAA Men's officials are far less rigid than NCAA Women's officials about unauthorized signals.
Who can quibble about good communication, but I'm curious about how universally used (accepted) the signal is for high school games in your local area and/or state?

Every official in Connecticut uses it, we teach it to our young'uns.

I'm disappointed that IAABO International didn't approve of our state "approved" signal.
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