Thread: Mechanics Creep
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Old Thu May 02, 2019, 11:20am
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Stayed In My Lane ...

Originally Posted by Kansas Ref View Post
... this proves that ''someone'' is listening and caring in the IAABO leadership. Maybe the NF will be as responsive. Have you also sent your proposal to them?
As an IAABO member, we only use IAABO mechanics and signals (I don't even have a NFHS Mechanics Manual and Signal Chart), so I "stayed in my lane".

Because of the IAABO hierarchy (certainly a two-edged sword), and because IAABO International often has representation on the NFHS Rules Committee, we have a pretty good system in place to offer rule proposals to the NFHS. Rule proposals go up the chain of command, first to our local interpreter, then to our state interpreter, then to the IAABO International Co-Coordinators of Interpreters, and if all goes well, to the NFHS Rules Committee.

A lot of documentation is required: the new rule, the old rule, citation numbers, a rationale, needed changes to other rules (penalties), and all casebook plays involved must be cited, and changed.

I've had three rule change proposals accepted by the NFHS: 3-3-E Defensive Match-Up, 2003-04; 4-22 Goaltending, 2015-16; and 3-5-3 Compression Shorts, 2016-17, probably because my local interpreter has a leadership role in IAABO International, thus fast tracking my proposals.

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Last edited by BillyMac; Fri May 03, 2019 at 10:24am.
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