Originally Posted by jmkupka
semi-hijack/amusing anecdote...
As OP - I approve of this hijack.
I'll add the following - most umpires I know won't EVER call a leaving early violation if contact is broken with the base when the ball is at or past the pitcher's hip, regardless of whether it's actually been released. Add 0.1 second.
Most radar guns operate on the principle of highest recorded speed - due to drag, the ball slows by 1-2 MPH en route to the plate. Also, zero catchers are receiving the pitch at the front of the plate. Add at least 0.1 second.
Most runners hook slide/slide-by nowadays at all college levels, increasing the distance a ball must be moved by F4/F6 to make the tag, even on a perfect throw. Add...0.05 seconds?
That SWAG adds up to a quarter second or more in unaccounted time. As an umpire, a quarter second can be a LOOOONG time. In conclusion, legal stealing is totally possible (on a theorectical time basis) even at the D1 level.