Originally Posted by Manny A
I agree with your first comment. I'm not so sure about the second one. The pitcher or catcher must "earn" their way on base. Is being the runner on second for the tiebreaker considered "earning" the base? I've never seen a case play that verifies that. The NFHS rule book doesn't cover it since the tiebreaker system is a state option that really doesn't get explained in the book.
Is there a clarification or case play in USA Softball that says a CR may be used at second base under the tiebreaker system?
Yes. There was that clarification the year AFTER the rule was first reworded to include "earn", because your interpretation was never the intent. The rule wording exists for one and only purpose to eliminate the "strategy" of a sub for F1 or F2 reaching base, the F1 or F2 re-entering, and then attempting to allow a CR.
And there was an NFHS case play ruling, as well. The F1 and F2 "earn their way" in tie-breaker innings the same way as every other player in the lineup; by being the listed 9th batter in the inning.
If the one and only requirement was for them to have been a batter that reached base safely, it would say that.