Originally Posted by 3afan
I assume most umpires use their right hand since the mask came off with the left.
The mask is unlikely to be removed when PU calls a check swing a strike. It should come off when PU asks partner for help on the call.
This mechanic (PU calling check swing a strike) is not even mentioned in the USA Umpire Manual.
I picked up this mechanic during a National Umpire School session. I have it backwards to the OP in that for a right-handed batter I will point with the left hand and say "that's a swing" and then give the hammer. For lefties, I point with the right hand followed by the hammer.
And when I worked a National, I actually got dinged for pointing at all. The UIC asked why I was pointing before a strike call. I said I was indicating the batter did not manage to check her swing, the pitch was out of the strike zone (as opposed to a normal called strike), so I did it like I was taught. He wasn't impressed so I lost points as a result.