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Old Mon Mar 18, 2019, 07:35pm
bucky bucky is offline
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Originally Posted by chapmaja View Post
Watching the video and reading the twitter comments, I think there are some very interesting concerns. The key thing with the comments is the wording of when the jurisdiction ends. Did the officials leave the visual confines of the playing area? They certainly left the court, but if they had gone to the scorers table to discuss the call, they left the court as defined in the rule book.
The officials did appear to leave the court. It looks as if they left the playing court just outside the endline.

Per NFHS Case 5.6.2 Sit F, they did not leave the visual confines of the playing area.

Furthermore, see case 2.2.4 Sit C for this...nearly exact... scenario. Per the case, they actually ruled everything correctly....presuming that the shot was indeed after the expiration of time.

Lastly, case 2.2.1 Sit A allows for video review. I presume that Minnesota does not allow this for their state tournaments. If not, perhaps this game will push them to include it going forward.
If some rules are never enforced, then why do they exist?
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