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Old Tue Mar 05, 2019, 12:07pm
frezer11 frezer11 is offline
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Originally Posted by crosscountry55;1030886 A clinician once asked me, in a marginal case, when a player was driving, why I didn't award FTs. He asked, "Do you think he [I
wasn't[/I] trying to go and score? What else would he possibly be doing?" I've approached it that way ever since.
I like this. And while I've always taken this approach, I hadn't worded it like this to others when having the discussion. I think I'll use this thought process moving forward.

Originally Posted by crosscountry55 View Post
Trickiest situation for me is when a player passes off at the last second. I have to determine if the contact/foul forced the ball handler to change his mind on going to basket, or if the pass was intended from the beginning. If I think the ball handler bailed on the shot because of the contact, I'm going to award FTs, and then inevitably the opposing coach will say, "but he was passing!" But hey, I get paid to make judgments.
This is pretty tough. Unless it's pretty obvious that the ball handler basically just tried to shove the ball to his teammate after being fouled, I think I'm going with the pass most of the time, it is really difficult to judge intent over action
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