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Old Tue Mar 05, 2019, 12:02pm
bucky bucky is offline
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Originally Posted by RefsNCoaches View Post
That is in part why I asked too. I've never had that situation. Would you let the slamming of the ball down after the 2nd technical go? The entire gym saw it....
Yes, let it go. The game has become a travesty..for a moment. It is in the league's hands now. I have been in a rec league where someone was ejected (2 direct Ts) and then lobbed the ball towards the ref who was not looking. The ball hit him directly in the back of the head and the ref went down. Medical treatment was needed. Lawsuit was filed, etc. Were we supposed to give another T for lobbing the ball? And one for hitting the ref? And another for the ref going down? Of course not, this conversation is about direct Ts and there is no such thing as a third...of which I have ever heard. By that rational, a ref could simply give 5, 7, 11 T's in a row, maybe more. Rules reference? Exactly, where is it in the rules that people are getting a 3rd direct T that trumps the other cases citing ejection, travesty, forfeiture, etc.

Point is, once the player has been ejected/DQ'd or whatever term you want to use, it is no longer in your hands. The league, spectator judgement(social justice), police, or whatever, will address any further behavior from the culprit. Do not continue the game until the player has left and if the player has not left or is uncooperative, then you leave. Simple as that. If the league director or other person "in charge" favors allowing that type of player to ruin the game and finds disfavor with you for leaving, then neither you nor should anyone, officiate for that person/league. Take your dignity with you and never look back.
If some rules are never enforced, then why do they exist?

Last edited by bucky; Tue Mar 05, 2019 at 12:17pm.
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