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Old Wed Feb 13, 2019, 02:41pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by bucky View Post
I do not care for these types of things. A player/person on the bench, with the full intent of being eligible to play, can get a technical foul. If that person is not in the book, how does one record the technical foul? To me, if it is recorded on A3 then A3 needs to be added to the book, for the very least, statistical/record keeping purposes.
How do you give a technical foul to a coach or manager? Are they listed in the book anywhere? I just did a game last week with a girl on the bench that was their scorekeeper. If someone on the crew gave her a technical foul, she was clearly not in the book (wrong gender to play) and she was sitting squarely in the middle of the bench. I point this out because she got hit in the head with an errant pass and looked like she had a concussion. We would not go through the same procedures for her being there on the bench. So if she got froggy and got a T, I think we can record that in the book appropriately.

Originally Posted by bucky View Post
Now maybe, when this occurs , there should be no administrative technical. Just does not seem right, from a scorekeeper perspective. What is the same bench person gets another one? How do you record ejecting someone that is not even listed in the book? Something is not right.
The same person has to be removed from the game. And in the case I gave, that person is not a player and can be removed like any other person that is not a player.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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