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Old Wed Feb 13, 2019, 12:18pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
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The book just has to be ready when the game starts honestly. And if you requrire the book to be ready before then, you are putting that on people that might not be associated with the teams or have an interest to get the book done before that time. I have literally had scorebook people get up and not come back until a minute before game time and both teams submitted all their information. And in one case, the scorekeeper did not put any of the information in the book correctly, so we literally had several players from both teams not listed properly.

All I do is when the book is filled out, I have the coach sign off on the fact that all information is correct. Then if there is a mistake or they find something, they can have it corrected immediately without any penalty. I do this so that we do not have a player not listed or the wrong started listed and someone is claiming there should be a penalty. It also puts the responsibility on the coaches so that they cannot tell me later, "We gave them this list and they copied that list instead." This is especially true during tournaments where the host school or entity is not playing the game at hand.

For the record, I only sign the book when all of this is done. I do not want anyone claiming I saw something and allowed it to take place. Just another way to cover all the bases of the recording information.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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