Thread: Mechanics Creep
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Old Tue Feb 05, 2019, 11:05pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by Kansas Ref View Post
I often see NF level officials who use non-NF mechanics/signals during a game. For example, 1) when chopping in the clock a ref will make a 'fist' and snap it in hemi-circle, instead of vertically stricking an open-hand downward. I have seen NBA and NCAA refs do this; however, to my limited knowledge this is not NF-approved?
OK, it is not necessarily a college mechanic either. And no one cares but those that have nothing better to say point this out IMHO. If you go to any high level camp and someone is pointing this out seriously, they really are just nitpicking you. Never been to a college camp or worked a college game and this was ever pointed out there as not using the right mechanic. I wonder why?

Originally Posted by Kansas Ref View Post
2) when signalling a "Block" I frequently see NF level refs bouncing their closed fists off their hips several time s in ar ather animated fashion; however, in my limited knowledge I believe the NF mechanic is to place both open hands on your waist between the index and thumb area.
Sorry, but to me this is one of the dumbest things people worry about. It looks silly if you give the signal at the time with "open hands." And the college mechanic (at least men's) shows the very same picture.

Originally Posted by Kansas Ref View Post
3) when a FT attempt misses the ring entirely, I frequently see NF level refs hold up an index finger and swirl it several times; however, in my limited knowledge I believe the NF mechanic is to sound your whistle, raise your arm with an open hand, and point in the other direction [optional to say "no ring/no rim"] and indicate that we're heading the other direction.

Aside from a 'purist' point of view, is there anything troubling about these observations?
You realize that there was a time when kicking violation was not in the book either. Everyone used the "kicking violation signal" before it was put in the book. No one cared. This is something I do not care about either.

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