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Old Wed Dec 26, 2018, 11:26am
ilyazhito ilyazhito is offline
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Originally Posted by ODog View Post
Contrary to what BayStateRef said, there is plenty of 3-person in Mass., at least in my area. More than 60 percent of my games are 3-whistle. Maybe more than 70 percent. Some schools use exclusively three all season, while some only use it for 3-4 home games just as a primer in the event their teams make the tourney. But all schools play some 3-whistle games. Doesn't matter if it's large inner city boys programs or terrible small-school girls programs.

It's very prevalent in our area, and moreso every year. And all officials get the full fee. The 85-percent-fee thing went out the window by vote of our county ADs a few years ago. Two- or three-whistle, doesn't matter: You get $84.

But it does seem to depend on where you live in the state, as neighboring counties, some of whose teams play in the same leagues as our teams, don't pay for three officials as often and don't pay full fee when they do.
That's interesting. Where in MA do you call games? I'm curious, because Bay State Ref's profile says that he's in the Boston area. Bay State said that there is no relationship between what IAABO board you are in and the leagues you work. Is that true?

What would it take to get 3-person implemented universally at the varsity level in MA? Timewise, I say it would happen in the next decade.
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