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Old Wed Dec 19, 2018, 04:52pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by thedewed View Post
Head isn't in the sand, I'm very familiar with how that rule works. I would also submit that the requirements for INITIAL LGP are as important as those for MAINTAINING LGP. I suppose you all don't think there are any initial requirements, since driving into a rebounder's back is on the offense. So I guess with the same rationale from you rocket scientists, if that defensive player is lying in front of the basket and a driver runs into him on the way to the basket, you are coming out with a player control foul? The logic is the same.
You continue to prove that it is in the sand by continuing to insist that the ruling is somehow related to LGP. In doing so, you continue to expose that you have no idea when LGP applies and doesn't apply. Keep denying simply concepts that are laid out in plain black & white. Your credibility shrinks with each post.

Enough energy wasted on a lost cause, I'm out. I'll spend my efforts on people that actually want to learn.
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