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Old Wed Dec 19, 2018, 12:26pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Canceled Games ...

Originally Posted by The_Rookie View Post
Recently had a game canceled 3 hours before tip off and prior to arriving at the game. Game was canceled because other team did not have enough players to play. Under this scenario, in your local areas, do you get a half a game fee or whole game fee for short notice cancellation?
If we show up at the site, we get the full fee. Canceled before we get there, no fee.

Almost forty years ago I had a freshman assignment, got to the site, home team was there, my partner was there, got dressed, and waited. Some snow showers came through the state and the visiting team decided not to make the bus ride. Both of us got full fees. Since the home team was dressed and ready to go, I asked the head varsity coach if he wanted me to hang around and officiate a couple of intrasquad scrimmage periods. For years after that he never gave me any problems, even though he was known as a hothead. A little good will goes a long way.

Also in ancient times, before cell phones were invented, I had a junior varsity assignment on a Saturday night. Started snowing in mid afternoon. I called the school and, of course, on a Saturday, there's nobody there. I called my assigner, nobody home (Christmas shopping). Figuring (correctly) bad road conditions, I leave about forty-five minutes earlier than I normally would for this site. I get there, no game, but the junior varsity cheerleading coach is there, and the police officer (who stands in the corner) is there, they hadn't been contacted. I get home hours later (the ride home was really treacherous) and my wife tells me that the school called to cancel about thirty minutes after I had left home. I called my assigner, told me he would get back to me early the next week. He did, telling me that because the school called me (they said that I had left home too early) they weren't going to pay me. My assigner said that it was out of his hands, the one and only time that he ever disappointed me.

Now, with Arbiter access to athletic director's email and cell phone numbers, we are advised to call if we think that there may be weather related cancellations, and of course, they have Arbiter access to our email and cell phone numbers.

In my new life as a subvarsity official (thank God that they only shoot horses in my condition), retired from my day job, I did my first ever board assigned middle school mid afternoon game yesterday. Visiting team walked in the gym twenty minutes past game time. My partner, a middle school veteran (he's a high school teacher, gets out of work early) told me that once or twice a season middle school teams just don't show up (not due to bad weather, but scheduling errors, bus issues, etc.) but we always still get paid.

By the way, my first ever board assigned middle school game: very late start, no possession arrow at the table, no scorebook at table, just a clipboard with a sheet of blank paper.

I had a blast. Kids were all enthusiastic, coaches coached. I ran an errand on the way home (bought chicken scratch at a feed store near the site) and still got home before 6:00 p.m. with $63.05 in my Arbiter account.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Wed Dec 19, 2018 at 12:32pm.
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