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Old Sat Dec 15, 2018, 09:59pm
bucky bucky is offline
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Originally Posted by CJP View Post
With 5 seconds left in 2nd quarter, A1 is shooting a free throw. The ball comes off the rim and a scramble ensues. Players are on the floor. A2 gains possession and gets a shot off before buzzer. When coming back to the floor, A2 lands on B1. B1 did not slide or roll under A2. A2 rather "floated" over B1 while in the air. I had a no call. There was some discussion at half time that it should have been a foul on B1. We agreed to disagree, it was only a discussion.

I am looking at rules and case plays trying to find an answer. I am okay with a no call but following the logic in case play 10.7.1 a foul could actually be called on A2.

Clearly A2 did not jump vertically so how could it be a foul on B1? If anything could be argued, it would be that A2 did not participate in the principle of verticality and jumped on B1. Ergo, a foul on A2.
If some rules are never enforced, then why do they exist?
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