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Old Fri Sep 12, 2003, 09:19pm
Steve M Steve M is offline
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For Fed & ASA, yes the BR in your play has committed to 1B. Here's the interp:

ASA, Fed - once she starts moving toward I b, she cannot go to 2b and she cannot stop. If she turns to the right she must go to lb. If she makes any movement back to the infield in any direction except directly to 2b, she must. return to lb. If she commits to 2b she must go to 2b. (A:8-7-T, POE 33; F: 8-7-3)

For college (and I assume AFA), it's a bit different. NCAA took a different interp to respond to a play that I think Washington State used. It's even called the Washington State rule. Here's that interp:

NCAA - once she starts moving toward lb and until she touches lb she may go to lb or 2b as long as she stays within the extended base path. Once she steps beyond the extended base path, she is committed to that base (12-18f5)

Addition 9/13- I noticed that I forgot a piece. While this is the way I have called and will continue to, it is not just my opinion or understanding. I've quoted from the softball rules differences book showing the ruling for all 3 sanctioning bodies - ASA, Fed, & NCAA.

Steve M

[Edited by Steve M on Sep 13th, 2003 at 09:13 AM]
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