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Old Thu Dec 13, 2018, 02:16pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Coaches ...

Another comment from the article:

The only varsity coaches that prefer 2-person crews are the ones who want to be able to get away with fouls that are tougher to see without a third official. The coaches whose styles don't rely on getting away with illegal tactics have no reason to abandon 3-person.

Along with financial issues, this is the main reason why we don't use much three person in Connecticut. These coaches win, and are very influential in The Connecticut High School Coaches Association (I'm a former member), and The Connecticut High School Coaches Association has great influence on the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Association (our state sports governing body).

If the coaches, both individually, and collectively, really wanted three person, they could eventually persuade their principals (who run the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Association) to spend a little extra, and make the switch to three person.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Thu Dec 13, 2018 at 03:12pm.
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