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Old Mon Nov 26, 2018, 10:37am
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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If the runner isn't projecting the helmet to gain an advantage, but only for protection, I'd ask whether, if the game were played without helmets (as for instance in American Sevens), the runner would act the same way with his head. Or even consider, if his helmet came off, but play couldn't stop in time to prevent a collision, would the runner adopt the same posture to protect himself?

I'm not trying to be flip, this is a serious question, and it may involve a tradeoff between possible head and neck injury. If I had to choose, knowing what I do, I'd risk my head before my neck, because the same blow that would result in a temporary KO if delivered to the chin would have a greater likelihood of a permanent neck injury if delivered to the crown or back of the head.
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