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Old Fri Nov 02, 2018, 05:21pm
BillyMac BillyMac is online now
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The Thrill Of Victory, And The Agony Of Defeat ...

Originally Posted by rbruno View Post
Being from Boston and a teenager in the 60's I had many years of Johnny Most "high above courtside" being the homers homer of broadcast announcers.
You were lucky.

I was also a teenager in the 1960's, a big Celtic fan (loved the team oriented approach, the fast break attack, and Bill Russell was my favorite player), but I lived in the New Haven / Hartford market and only saw them on television on Sunday's ABC Game of the Week.

No cable television back then. No ESPN, TNT, etc. No regional sports networks (I see the Celtics, Red Sox, and Bruins all the time on television today). No internet with streaming games. Most of my Celtics information came from the sports section of the New Haven Register, my subscription to Sports Illustrated, and whatever the antenna on my roof sucked in, ABC's Game of the Week came via WNHC-TV Channel 8, ABC's New Haven / Hartford affiliate.

When the Celtics would play the Knicks we could watch them on WOR-TV Channel 9 out of New York City, but the picture was always fuzzy. Because of the availability of Knicks games on television I actually became a Knicks fan (Willis Reed, Walt Frazier, Dick Barnett, Dave DeBusschere, Bill Bradley), except when they played the Celtics.

Young'uns today don't realize how tough it was for us to see out of town games on television, especially those of us living in a small markets without major league teams.

Unless I wanted to watch the Yankees (WPIX Channel 11) or the Mets (WOR-TV Channel 9) both broadcasting from New York City, both with fuzzy pictures, my favorite show was the national broadcast of the NBC Baseball Game of the Week.

On Saturdays we would watch professional bowling which was a lead-in to ABC's Wide World of Sports. Anybody beside me remember Pete Weber and Earl Anthony?
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

“I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:36)

Last edited by BillyMac; Fri Nov 02, 2018 at 10:56pm.
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