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IAABO 2018-19 Refresher Exam Question #14: A-6 and A-7 have legally reported to enter the game when B-1 commits his/her fifth foul. B-6 reports to replace B-1. The official beckons A-6, A-7 and B-6 into the game. Is the official correct? Answer Key: Yes.
IAABO Mechanics Manual Page 55: Foul Procedures B 5: Complete all communication with table prior to acknowledging substitutions or timeout requests.
The official was not correct. A-6, A-7 and B-6 should have been beckoned into the game only after all communication with table had been completed.
We’ve been told to do it this way for dozens of years.
Do not grant timeouts, or beckon substitutes, until the foul has been reported, and in the case of player who has been disqualified, do not grant timeouts, or beckon substitutes, until the coach has been notified that his player has been disqualified, and the disqualified player has been replaced. Only after that should officials grant timeouts, or beckon or additional substitutes.
This mechanic prevents any confusion that could occur regarding whether, of not, the fifteen seconds to replace a disqualified player should occur before, during, or after, the charged timeout.
This mechanic also prevents any confusion that could occur regarding whether, or not, Team B players who are now on the bench because their replacements have reported, and been beckoned (too early by mechanic) before Coach B knew about his disqualified player, would have to sit a tick, or could immediately replace the disqualified player, or any other team B player.
If Team B players are beckoned too early, and then the Team B player is disqualified, Team B may be left without a ball handler, or without a rebounder, on the court due to the sit a tick rule, all because the official “jumped the gun” beckoning substitutes.
Bottom line: Complete all communication with table prior to acknowledging substitutions or timeout requests.
Note: You guessed it. I got the question wrong and I'm pissed. Thanks for letting me vent.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
“I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:36)
Last edited by BillyMac; Thu Nov 01, 2018 at 05:05pm.