Play With Five, Or Sit A Tick ...
SITUATION 5: Team A is playing with five players, but has no remaining substitutes available when one of the players has an asthma attack. The coach is beckoned onto the floor. RULING: The player must leave the game unless a time-out is requested and granted to Team A with the player being ready to resume by the end of the time-out. The team may continue with fewer than five players if there are no substitutes available. An injured/ill player may return to the game after recovery. (3-3-5)
What if Team A doesn't have any more timeouts? Will Team A be forced to take a timeout and a technical foul to play with five?
So the “must play with five” rule doesn't “trump” the “must sit a tick” rule. Also the “sit a tick” after being substituted for rule doesn't actually apply here because no substitution was actually made (there was no substitute). The “sit a tick” rule only applies here because the coach was beckoned onto the court to tend to an injury.
Slightly different situation. Team A only has five players, one eligible substitute, and no timeouts. Before the first free throw of a one and one, A-6 replaces A-5. The first free throw is successful but A-1 is seriously injured during the rebounding action. Of course, the clock hasn’t started. Case play 3.1.1 states “must have five players participating as long as it has that number available”. May A-5 reenter without “sitting a tick” to replace injured A-1 fulfilling the “five players participating” requirement, or is A-5 not “available” because he must “sit a tick”?
Does the “must play with five” rule ever “trump” the “must sit a tick” rule?
I seem to remember our local interpreter, many, many years ago, telling us that in a few specific cases the “must play with five” rule “trumps” the “must sit a tick” rule, but I’m getting to the age where I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast this morning.
Now, where are my car keys?
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
“I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:36)
Last edited by BillyMac; Tue Oct 30, 2018 at 08:50am.