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Old Sat Sep 29, 2018, 10:52am
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
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Fed says (probably renumbered since my edition, was 2-27-5):
The line to gain is the yard line established when a new series (first down) is awarded. Unless there is a penalty following the ready-for-play signal, the line to gain is 10 yards in advance of the foremost point of the ball when placed for the first down of the series.
NCAA says substantially the same thing at 5-1-2(b):
The line to gain is established when the ball is made ready for play before the first down of the new series.
and amplifies at 5-2-7(a):
The penalty for any dead-ball foul (including live-ball fouls treated as dead-ball fouls) that occurs after a series ends and before the ball is ready for play shall be completed before the line to gain is established.
So considering the likely timing of the sequence you describe -- UC foul occurring during the dead ball interval before the new line-to-gain was marked -- it'd be 1st & 10.
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