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Old Thu Sep 27, 2018, 10:51am
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post
On the other hand, I get paid to assign games once. Not assign, have a turn-back, assign again, etc., etc.
With all due respect, and I know little about assigning, other than I would never do it, aren't you paid to reschedule due to weather, illness, injuries, turnbacks, etc., not as a separate fee, but as part of the job that most assigners are expected to do.

It's like somebody saying that they don't pay local property taxes because they rent. They do pay property taxes, but not to the city, but to their landlord, it's part of the rent, the landlord then pays the property taxes. It would be foolish for a landlord not to consider property taxes when they determine the rent payment.

If an assigner goes into the job thinking that they won't have to make adjustments along the way, and they sign a contract for a certain fee with that impression, hasn't the assigner made a big mistake, both financially and in terms of time commitment?

I'm pretty sure that Rich knew this already, and was referring to excessive turnbacks that could have been avoided by adjusting one's availability (I forgot that I'm in a bowling league every Wednesday night).
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Last edited by BillyMac; Thu Sep 27, 2018 at 10:59am.
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