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Old Thu Sep 27, 2018, 08:41am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by SC Official View Post
You’re completely ignoring conflicts that come up in one’s personal life that can’t be foreseen from so far out. Officiating high school basketball is not most people’s first priority.
We do not have this issue as you are making out to be. Again I know Fridays are a premium day to work basketball (and football). I tell people in my life, "I cannot do anything on Fridays and Saturdays until March." That pretty much holds up.

And everyone that has been doing this knows the days for their level during the week. I know Saturdays college assignors most of their staff to work (we get those months in advance as well). If you have a real conflict you either give back a game or you don't make yourself available. Most people that even have work issues know times and situations where they cannot work long before any game is assigned. They know that annual meeting or company trip they have to take. If it changes you address it when you know (assignors usually do not care if you did it the right way).

The funny thing I already know that basketball or officiating is not people's first priority. But what day are you going to all of a sudden know you will not work a couple weeks out? If there is a death you likely not know that until it happens. We know birthdays and anniversaries well in advance. I know people that know when their office Christmas Party is going to be held and do not work if need be that day. Our season starts around Thanksgiving, I know a year in advance how many games I am working after Thanksgiving or around Thanksgiving. I know when I am working after Christmas too. All big family events and if I do not want to take the chance I do not work.

This is about the culture of the area you work games. It is in our culture of this to get the games well in advance. If those do not want to work, they can not make themselves available. It is really that simple. But if you wait until a month out, you likely are not going to get any games on those days because the schedule was well finalized and made. At least that is the case at the varsity level.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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