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Old Mon Sep 24, 2018, 02:59pm
bbodb1 bbodb1 is offline
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Posts: 5
Ball contacting net outside of antenna (not 3rd hit)

NFHS: On some nets, it is possible for a ball to hit the net outside of the antenna but still contact net only. The ball then rebounds back toward the team playing the ball.

If that happens as described above AND it was before the 3rd hit, can a ball contact the net OUTSIDE the antenna but still on the net, rebound back toward the team that last played the ball and play continue?

I know that 9-6-2 mentions recovering a ball hit into the net shall be permitted. Also, 3-1-1 defines the specs for the net with a max width of 33 feet. This does leave the possibility of space on the net on the OUTSIDE of the antenna for a ball to contact the net, rebound and possibly be played.

Is this legal? I am continuing to read on this....thanks for any direction anyone can provide.
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