Originally Posted by harmbu
Thank you for your response. How do I go about handling this? In our state, we are allowed to protest a misapplication of a rule but must do it in 10 minutes or less before the next pitch. The onus is on the coach to show the umpire the rule. How do I go about proving something that I am told is there if it is not there? If the umpire simply wants to wait me out and say, "It's in there somewhere" I have no way of showing different. I always strive to be professional with umpires but I don't know how to handle a situation such as this.
Just show him the "foot position" requirements in 6-1 (I think -- it's been a while since I've had the rule book out). Note to him that the PIVOT foot must be parallel to the RUBBER, and that the NON-PIVOT foot only need be closer to the plate than the pivot foot.