Originally Posted by Freddy
... does this mean that shorter courts can simply measure from the endline inward 28' and call it good?
And possibly allow the coach to stand in front of the scorer's table?
"Coach. Excuse me. Sorry to bother you. Can you please move out of the way so that I can report the foul to the table?".
In almost forty years, I've worked in some pretty odd gyms (one looked like a bowling alley, but I digress).
I recall one extremely short court (two backcourt lines) where this (
measure from the endline inward 28') would possibly allow the coach to stand on the "wrong" side of the court (if there was a coaching box back then, which there wasn't, we used the seatbelt rule back then). I actually worked more than one varsity game there. Working on this court was the only time that I invoked the second part of 1-3:
... If the court is less than 74 feet long, it should be divided by two lines, each parallel to and 40 feet from the farther end line. Team benches were crowded so close to the playing court that if a bench player was in a normal sitting position, his feet would extend onto the playing court. Scorer's table extended a few inches onto the playing court.
We were all pleased when this school built a new gymnasium, which presented its own problems. On sunny afternoons (prep schools often play Saturday afternoon games) the low angle winter sunlight streams through poorly positioned floor to ceiling windows causing glare problems for the officials, especially in seeing lines on the shiny polyurethaned gymnasium floor.