Originally Posted by ilyazhito
The baserunner is out, and the batter is awarded 1st base, if the ball did not pass an infielder who had a chance to field the ball. Otherwise, nothing happens. The base is not a safe haven for runners hit by batted balls, except for infield flies.
Guys, I don't do baseball and actually never read this forum but stumbled across this. The answer to this post didn't seem right to me and i looked in the 2015 MLB rule book. On page 63, rule 6.01 it states:
"If, however, the runner has contact with a legally occupied base when he hinders the fielder, he shall not be called out unless, in the umpire’s judgment, such hindrance, whether it occurs on fair or foul territory, is intentional. If the umpire declares the hindrance intentional, the following penalty shall apply: With less than two out, the umpire shall declare both the runner and batter out. With two out, the umpire shall declare the batter out."
This reads to me like the base is a safe place and unless the runner does something to intentionally interfere, the runner would not be out.