Guess I'll have to start a new thread: Things the Mechanics Manual Doesn't Tell You. There would then be room for real-life discussion of mechanics.
Raymond mentioned being sideline-oriented in 3-person mechanics in another thread. That is a BIG adjustment from 2-person, because a 2PO trail has to move off the sideline to see his primary area. However, a 3PO trail has a center official to cover the other sideline, and likewise for the C, so there is no need to work off the sideline, except to position adjust.
I have also noticed some Trail and Center officials working higher than expected in 3-person games. I have noticed, because it put the officials in question into bad looks, and led to some questionable calls. Is this a holdover from 2-man? The 2-person trail does tend to be higher than the 28' mark to be able to see the division line, but what is the purpose of being above 28' in 3-man? Would working lower be another 2 to 3 adjustment?