Originally Posted by ilyazhito
Go to the nearer block. That makes total sense.
I know that U1 watches home, and U2 watches visitors, and that they change over because the teams change over.
I'm not stupid, just unsure of how things should be done.
I'd like this thread to continue, so other officials newer to 3 person would have the opportunity to know what stumbling blocks to avoid, regardless of how stupid their questions may seem. I ask these questions because I care and want to get things right, not because I like to engage in nitpicking. Anyone would know this better if he met me in person, instead of just through a computer screen.
I at no point said or indicated that your questions are stupid. I said the exact opposite, that they are too detailed. You are not going to be able to pick up every nuance through this forum.
All mechanic questions are always best answered through the manual. Now if you want to know what people do in real life, that's another story. But if you're asking what we're supposed to do per the manual, go directly to the manual.
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