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Old Mon Jul 16, 2018, 09:09pm
JBleach85 JBleach85 is offline
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Originally Posted by ilyazhito View Post
What would be some other college-only topics, other than the shot clock (If your state uses a shot clock for high school games, make sure that you use the correct rules)? The shot clock rules would probably be a separate section of the pregame, done briefly when mentioning positional responsibilities (T and C are usually responsible for shooters, so they would be responsible for potential shot clock violations). Restricted area responsibilities would probably fall under either primary coverage areas or double whistles. If you are working with college officials who also do high school, maybe a reminder at the beginning that today is a college game, and mention the key differences between college and HS rules? Anything else I am missing or not understanding properly?
Some of the other college topics that would be in my pregame is just making sure we remember certain aspects such as advancing the ball in the last minute of the 4th period. Along with remembering the .3 rule and also how do we handle Unsportsmanlike and Disqualifying fouls along with fouls of equal gravity.
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