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Old Sun Jun 17, 2018, 09:01pm
josephrt1 josephrt1 is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
Not possible. By rule, you no longer have a batter on the field, but a batter-runner. You have a batter due up next, but that isn't the player which prevented F2 from making a play.
OK, understood. But what do you do if you don't think the batter-runner got in the way in "an attempt to prevent an out at the plate"?

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There are 2 other possible ways of supporting only the batter-runner being called out with interference at the plate.

1. Rule 8.2 is headlined as "The batter-runner is out". When you then go to 8.2.G it states if this is an attempt to prevent an out at home plate Effect; "the runner is also out." Because the word also is used, this implies, but could have been more clearly stated, that the batter runner is out "when the batter runner interferes"

2. RS 33-A.1: reads: Runner interference includes - A runner or batter-runner who interferes with a fielder executing a play.

I would interpret both of these statements to have the batter runner out for the situation in the OP, and if the umpire judges the batter-runner attempted to prevent the out at home plate, a 2nd out would be called on the runner (8.2.G).

Last edited by josephrt1; Mon Jun 18, 2018 at 07:49am.
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