#16 Kentucky vs. #1 Oregon (Site 3 / Game 1) (NCAA Softball Championship) - WatchESPN
You can watch the reply here, starts about 1:55 (first batter in the bottom of the 6th). But this was a combination of line up changes from a) plate meeting, b) third inning, c) 6th inning and involves DP/Flex/OP.
From a game management standpoint as it happened, I have one big issue. HOW does this even happen? Answer: it should not.
Here is what happened by looking at box score and play by play and video:
The starting line up had #6 as DP, #8 as F3 and #10 Flex as pitcher (numbers are order in line up, not jersey numbers). At plate meeting, UK coach put #6/DP to F3 and #8 to F1 and flex is dropped.
In bottom of third, changes happen (58 minutes mark of video), and UK coach is pointing on the line up card with plate umpire. S1 comes in to pitch (sub for #10 in flex position), #8 moves from F1 to F3. #6 is now not playing defense, but is still the DP. All is well.
Top of the order for UK in the 6th, and (six batters latter) coach re-enters #10(starting flex) to hit for #6 (DP). This is a legal re-entry as #10 has to re-enter as the flex and then is able to hit for the DP. However, S1, who has entered as the flex (in the third inning), is now removed and does not have re-entry for NCAA (note: she would have re-entry in USA/NFHS play). #10 makes the third out in the 6th inning.
S1 comes to pitch in the bottom of the 6th. The video does not show if the coach informed the umpire of this; however, the coach should have been told that the previous re-entry of #10 removes S1 from the game without re-entry. As a game management/line up management lesson, if the coach says: "#10 will bat for #6", you, as a PU, clarify: "#10 is re-entering as the flex, then will bat for the DP." There is no other way to take this line up change.
Therefore, how did S1, who does not have re-entry, come back out to pitch? Was the UK coach trying to sneak this in? Even if she said: "S1 re-enters to pitch" PU should not have allowed this change; you do NOT take substitutions that you know are illegal. This would be my question. But S1 did pitch, then she became an illegal player, thus the appeal by Oregon. The penalty was to nullify the pitch and administrative ejection.
This situation should never happen in any game with proper line up card management and game management.